The ABC reality series Shark Tank is in its fifth season. The reality TV show that started in 2009 is airing a special called Shark Tank: Swimming With Sharks.
Shark Tank features Robert Herjavec, Kevin O'Leary, and Daymond John. In 2013, the show won a Television Critics Association Award for Outstanding Achievement in Reality Programming. The show was also nominated for a primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Reality Program for executive producer, Mark Burnett and his fellow producers.
James Martin was glad to discuss his ideas and the way he makes them happen, according to ABC. Martin has given advice like “stick to your vision” and “know your business.”
In the show, the Sharks make decisions about whether or not to invest their own money and expertise in an opportunity. They have different reasons for participating in the reality show. Fashion and branding expert Daymond John told the Associated Press, "I did it because I wanted to diversify my portfolio."
Shark Tank airs on Friday at 9PM. This week on Friday at 8PM, on a special called Shark Tank: Swimming With Sharks, people who have already appeared on the show will chat about their experiences and ideas.