Former Breaking Bad star, Bryan Cranston, helped a teenage fan ask a girl to the prom by making a video as Walter White and basically threatening her to go with him.
“Maddie, if you don’t go to the prom with Stefan than maybe your best course of action is to tread lightly,” Cranston says in character. Stefan Montana then takes the camera from the actor and asks, “Maddie, will you go to the prom with me?”
The tough-guy approach worked, because Montana took to Twitter to say, “@BryanCranston she said yes!!”
After the video went public, Montana told ABC News, “I don’t think there’s any saying no to Walter White.”
Montana, who lives in California, was in New York checking out colleges. While there, he saw Cranston’s Broadway show All the Way and asked him to help him out while they met afterwards.
“He really is the nicest guy in the world. It really is true. He's not really a celebrity, he's a dude. He didn't have to help me out but it was pretty amazing,” Montana told Daily News.