Chris Brown’s trial was put on hold for months this Wednesday after prosecutors declined to grant immunity to his bodyguard.

In a turn of events, Chris Brown’s bodyguard was found guilty of misdemeanor assault. The bodyguard, Christopher Hollosy, told police that he punched the victim when he allegedly tried to get onto the tour bus. Hollosy is planning to appeal the assault charge, according to the Associated Press.

Hollosy is now set to testify against Brown after Hollosy is finished with the appeal. If Brown is found guilty of misdemeanor assault, Brown could get up to four years in jail, according to TMZ. Brown is currently on probation that is scheduled to end this August. He is scheduled to participate in a rehab program that includes 750 hours of community labor.

Earlier in the week, Brown’s lawyer told the NY Daily News that Brown was ready for the trial. It is now looking like a trial date could be six months to a year away. No new trial date is set at this time.