In the upcoming 20th Century Fox film X-Men: Days of Future Past, 23-year-old Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence plays the character Mystique. Although the film hasn’t been released, the character may be getting her own film similar to the Hugh Jackman with his character Wolverine.

“There was a regime [at the studio] that didn’t see the worth in [spin-offs], and the current people who run Fox understand, embrace it, and we’re going to do right by it,” Lauren Shuler Donner said according to Entertainment Weekly. Donner has produced all of the X-Men films. “I’d like to do Gambit. I’d like to do Deadpool. We’ll see. There’s a lot of really great characters.”

Specifically Donner and screen Simon Kinberg stated that they’d also be interested in giving Mystique a spin-off.

“I love what Jen Lawrence has done with her, and I feel like because she is in such a crowded ensemble, there’s so much more opportunity if you were to follow her solo,” Kinberg explained to Entertainment Weekly.

He hopes that X-Men: Day of Future Past will bring more people to the X-Men’s fan base and expand their audience so that more spin-offs could happen. Director Bryan Singer agreed.

“Everyone grew up knowing Captain America or the Hulk, but no X-Men characters- I didn’t even know who Wolverine was. I call X-Men the bastard stepchild of the comic universes.”

According to E! News the next movie, X-Men: Apocalypse is estimated to be out May 27, 2016 while Jackman will return to her Wolverine series for a third standalone film in March of 2017.