Alright, just to get this started on the right note, I’d like to tell all of you reading this right now that I’m a guy. A man, who thinks masculine thoughts (mostly) and does manly things (well, I do like quiche…and yoga), so when I wrote in a heading about getting “skinny-sized," I want to make it clear that I am not aspiring to fit into those “skinny” pants at Calvin Klein. Women want to be “skinny” and guys want to be buff…generally, but I’ve learned a thing or two over the years and I guess I just want to be the best version of myself that I can be ... and I’ve learned that getting skinny jeans on is less problematic than getting them off. Did I say that? I did say that and I’m usually in the kitchen wearing an apron all day, too ... a manly one.

Anyway, I was recently asked to attend a promotional event at which I’d get to cook with a registered dietician and review her book entitled Skinny-Size It: 101 Recipes that will Fill You Up and Slim You Down. I approach all weight loss books with a heavy dose of doubt in regard to the author’s expertise. I also thought the title sounded a little girly, but here’s where the book’s author, Molly Morgan, RD, CDN, CSSD, gains my respect. She defines “skinny” as “living a healthy and active life” ... right up my alley! So what if I’m not in their target market?! ... I’m going to that event and I’m perfectly at ease with being the only guy in the room.

In case you don’t know, I’m a professional chef and love learning new things about cooking. I am also very interested in health and fitness, having once been approximately 70 lbs heavier some six years ago, I can tell you that feeling good tastes better than most barbecued ribs.

The event was a fun, group effort, making a lighter, whole grain version of macaroni & cheese. Then, we prepared Molly’s delicious Polenta Lasagna which I can easily call the healthiest of all comfort food. The lasagna featured layers of soft textured polenta and a hearty mix of vegetables, mushrooms and herbs reminiscent of ratatouille and topped off with a sprinkling of part-skim mozzarella.

We also got to sample some of Molly’s Skinny-Size It Hummus and a refreshing and sweet Triple Berry Omega Smoothie. All recipes would easily satisfy my children, who can be a little picky, and all seem simple for any home cook to prepare, which now brings me to Molly Morgan’s new book.

Skinny-Size It: 101 Recipes that will Fill You Up and Slim You Down is a simple, easy to follow guideline for healthy eating. Don’t skip the introduction portion of the book as it will give you insight into the recipes and how you can be creative and “skinny size” your own recipes.

For those of us who prefer to skip the insight and just make the food, her recipes provide us with a means of enjoying the foods we, and most importantly, our kids, really like without reducing portion sizes and feeling deprived. You can trust a “skinny” chef. It’ll be like fitting into your old jeans and finding twenty bucks in them.

In short, I highly recommend Molly Morgan’s books, especially Skinny-Size It, and the lifestyle change that will naturally go along with it. Oops, did I say lifestyle change? Yes, just a small one that will make a big difference in how you feel. Eat more food, feel satisfied and either ”Skinny-Sized”…or fit, if you’re a guy.

Check it out on Amazon here. Molly can be found on the web here.