Megan Fox will be starring as April O’Neil in Michael Bay’s next project, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The two have a slight rocky past after she had openly compared Bay, whom she worked with during Transformers, as Adolf Hilter. Between 2009 and 2011 the two had a very public distaste for one another.

However, since then the two have seemed to reconcile and be on better terms.

“He was one of the most lovely people that I dealt with in making this movie, Fox,27, said about Bay according to E! News. “I’ve always loved Michael. We’ve had our battles in the past but even when I’ve been really outspoken about difficulties we’ve had, I’ve always followed up by saying that I have a particular affinity to him.”

In general, she explained that the reason why they often argue is because personality wise they are very similar.

Fox has also revealed that despite swapping out the character’s yellow jumpsuit to a yellow leather jacket and skinny jeans, she will remain clothed throughout the entire movie.

“There’s no gratuitous skin or sexual anything,” Fox said according to Entertainment Weekly. “Jonathon was really insistent on not wanting her to be sexualized or take that sort of typical role we’ve seen women take in movies thus far, and that I’ve taken in particular.”

The Transformers star also revealed some names of some other remakes that she would like to see made in the future. Making a list, she stated, Gundam Wing, Jurassic Park, Thundercats or Sailor Moon.

“That could feasibly be made into a live action movie,” Fox said about Sailor Moon. “I don’t know how many Americans were into that. I was into that, but I don’t know how huge it was here.”