Merly Streep has added an honorary doctoral degree to her list of awards and accomplishments.

The 64-year-old recently accepted her degree from the Bloomington school at Indiana University, according to E! News, where she gave wise words to future actors and admitted she didn’t think she was pretty enough to be an actress.

"I was always in plays, but I thought it was vain to be an actress," Streep admitted. "Plus, I thought I was too ugly to be an actress. Glasses weren't fabulous then."

The Oscar winning actress also revealed that young performers should stop worrying about their weight and focus on what makes them unique.

"Girls spend way too much time thinking about that, and there are better things. For young men, and women, too, what makes you different or weird, that's your strength. Everyone tries to look a cookie-cutter kind of way and actually the people who look different are the ones who get picked up.”

According to Indianapolis Monthly, Streep acted the award for her work as a role model and humanitarian in the areas of women’s rights and social justice.

Previously, she had attended Yale for a graduate degree in drama, where she planned on taking the law board exams in her third year. Luckily, she woke up late and missed the test.

“The rest is history,” Streep said.