Bryan Singer's accuser has filed three more sex abuse lawsuits against Hollywood insiders it was announced on Monday.

Michael Egan has accused TV executive Garth Ancier, Broadway producer Gary Goddard and former Disney TV president David Newuman, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The additional lawsuits were revealed during a press conference made by Egan's attorney Jeff Herman. He said, "We've alleged that there's a Hollywood sex ring, one of several sex rings."

According to the suits, the three men and Singer were involved in a sex ring in Hollywood and they all forcibly abused Egan in Hawaii and in California.
Ancier helped created several TV shows during his career, including In Living Color and 21 Jump Street and was also in charge of The CW and Fox television launches. On top of being the former president of Disney TV also was CNN's chief programming officer and created rides for Universal Studios.

News has been steadily streaming out since the Singer lawsuit was announced last week. Egan claimed he was sexually abused in 1998 by Singer and other men and said that in 2000 he reported them to the police and FBI, but nothing ever happened.

Sources involved in the investigation claimed that the allegations made by Egan were investigated, but the X-Men director's name was never mentioned before.

While Herman claims to have a witness that can testify Singer was present at the parties, the director's lawyer Marty Singer, no relation, says that he has proof in the form of telephone records, credit card receipts and production schedules that prove Bryan Singer was busy working on a film during the time the alleged sexual abuse occurred.