In what has already become a lengthy trial with postponements, the Oscar Pistorius murder trial will adjourn again for more than two weeks.

According to the Associated Press, Judge Thokozile Masipa said that court will adjourn after Thursday and will not resume again until May 5.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel reportedly asked for the layoff and the defense agreed that a break was needed. The state lawyer requested the time off to work on another case that requires his attention. The Blade Runner’s trial started on March 3rd and was only supposed to last two or three weeks.

The defense team said it now expects to have the case wrapped up by mid-May.

After Nel cross-examined and tried to disprove the athlete’s version of events on the morning he shot girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, the defense called expert witnesses to counter the prosecution.

CNNnoted that forensics expert Roger Dixon disputed the pathologist’s conclusion of the cause of wounds Steenkamp sustained. The pathologist claimed the wounds were caused by bullet ricochet, while Dixon contended that they were caused by a magazine rack.

Pistorius is accused of intentionally shooting the model after the two had an argument on Valentine’s Day 2013. However, the Paralympian maintains that he fatally shot her after mistaking her for an intruder. He has plead not guilty to murder and weapon charges.