Don’t mess with Sarah Jessica Parker!

The Sex and the City star was not afraid to voice her opinion on Twitter after a fellow Tweeter, Sarah J. Symonds tweeted a comment that rubbed the actress the wrong way, according to E! News.

Symonds, who calls herself an “infidelity analyst” and “founder of Mistresses Anonymous and Wife School,” has since deleted her comment after receiving heat from SJP, and no one has confirmed what the tweet said.

However, followers can see SJP’s sassy tweets, which seem very out of character for the sweet actress we have come to know and love.

Followers asked what Symonds initially said, but SJP would only say: “Suffice to say, it was disgusting.”

Despite not knowing what got SJP fired up, followers rushed to her side with support via Twitter, according to Bustle.

Symonds has not responded to the Twitter drama. There are speculations that it started after Symonds posted a negative reaction to a photo of SJP and her children.

What do you think of the Twitter drama?