Today marks the 88th birthday of the popular Queen Elizabeth II. She was just 25-years-old when she ascended the throne and has become one of Britain’s longest serving monarchs.

Queen Elizabeth was thrown into the media spotlight since the day she was born, but she never regretted it. She committed her life to serving her people and became a voice for them as she celebrated 60 years on the throne in 2012. She came in contact with 12 prime ministers, 11 presidents and countless children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

She is a ruler who supports a new age as she supported the ending of the rule of male primogeniture, which means the eldest child can succeed the throne, regardless of gender. Not only this, but she supported lifting the ban on anyone in line for the throne marrying a Catholic.

She introduced the “walkabout” where she could meet and greet a large number of the public, along with informal visits – she even ate Mexican food with former President Reagan!

So, to celebrate the birthday of one of the coolest rulers we have seen, we take a look at Queen Elizabeth II’s best moments.
[New Page = V-E Day Incognito]

During the V-E celebrations, a young Princess Elizabeth and her sister, Princess Margaret, who were joined by chaperones, anonymously took part in the festivities as they danced in the streets with the crowd. At one point, they shouted for the king and queen with the rest of the people and waved to their parents.

[New Page = A Secret Proposal]

Elizabeth accepted her third cousin, Philip’s, marriage proposal without asking her parents. The 20-year-old kept the engagement a secret until she turned 21.

[New Page = Keep Calm]

She won much praise from her people in 1981 when she barely flinched after six blank shots were fired during the Trooping of Colour. She sat on horse back, within close range and barely moved. A year later, she kept her cool when an intruder entered her bedroom. She kept a conversation with the man until police arrived seven minutes later.

[New Page = Gettin' Down and Dirty]

During World War II, Princess Elizabeth worked as a mechanic as she joined the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1945.

[New Page = Social Media Savvy]

The famous queen gets with-the-times and joins Facebook and Twitter in 2010. Now that’s one awesome queen!

Image via British Monarchy/Twitter>
[New Page = Princess Diana's Funeral]

During the funeral procession of Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth bowed as the coffin passed by her. This was a spontaneous move from the queen, whose gestures had always been planned.

[New Page = Getting Ready to be Queen]

As she got ready for her coronation, the soon-to-be queen kept a cool head as she put on a heavy red robe with an 18-foot train. Elizabeth also had her horse, Aureole running in the Derby days after her coronation. When asked if she was nervous, she responded: “Of course I am, but I really think Aureole will win.”

[New Page = Diamond Jubilee]

In 2012, Queen Elizabeth became the second British queen to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee – 60 years on the throne!

[New Page = Life Dedication to Serve the People]

On her 21st birthday, the princess spoke to the people of the British Commonwealth and Empire in Cape Town. It was there that dedicated her life to the service of the people.
“I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.”

[New Page = The Coronation]

Elizabeth was crowned queen at the age of 26. The Duke of Cambridge said she was “a woman in a man’s world, stepping into what everyone thought only a man could do.”