It has been reported that with the X-Men franchise moving forward that Jennifer Lawrence, who plays Mystique in the First Class generation, could potentially be getting her own spin off film in the X-Men cinematic universe.

Enterainment Weekly reported that the producers of X-Men are already looking past X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse. Lauren Shuler Donner, who has worked on all of the X films so far, spoke about the reason for moving forward with spin-off films, when this franchise hasn’t fully embraced the concept. “There was a regime [at the studio] that didn’t see the worth in [spin-offs], and the current people who run Fox understand, embrace it, and were going to do right by it,” said Donner.

With comic book movies becoming more popular at the box office, it makes sense that X-Men would move forward with their characters on the big screen. Upon this news being announced it was clear that a few stand out characters might be getting their own film on the big screen. Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique should have her own spin off film. Lawrence has a built in fan base with her roles in The Hunger Games and has an army of female fans that are watching her every move. Why not take the time to capitalize on a female population and bring them into the X world.

Along with exposing these comic book story lines to a population that might not be interested otherwise, Lawrence is catching fire with her roles and box office numbers, it only make sense from a monetary reason that the studio would want to move forward with her in the lead role.

Lawrence is a true talent on the screen and it is never a mistake to want to showcase the talent that a movie has. Mystique has the ability to become anyone, so it makes sense that she would want to become Jennifer Lawrence, one of the largest names in Hollywood to date.