This past Friday on May 23, renowned television pioneer Barbara Walters told New York’s Sarah Lawrence College that she will be giving her archives to the school. It was a surprise visit as she gave a commencement speech. Sarah Lawrence College is Walters’ alma mater.

The archives that she will give to the school include a collection of papers, recordings, and photographs that document her decades as a television journalist, reports The Journal News.

She said to the graduates in attendance her career advanced because she went to a college that was, “A college where I was not afraid to ask questions,” stated the New York Daily News.

Walters' main accomplishments include being a co-anchor and contributor of ABC News, being a Today show anchor, being a host for the famous interview show 20/20, and helping create and co-host The View.

Journalism has been in her life since 1961. Her recent retirement from daytime television is highlighted with all she has done for women in the field of broadcast journalism. If she did not help break the barrier, who knows if such names as Oprah Winfrey, Robin Roberts and Katie Couric would be around today. Walters is an innovator in more ways than one.

image courtesy of Walter McBride/