For the last few decades, the standard of living has declined. To get by, people have started to revert back to survival skills that are only utilized by a select few today. One of those many skills is gardening. Instead of growing vegetables this summer, many people grow flowers. Instead of adding new flowers to your garden, read Saving Vegetable Seeds: Harvest, Clean, Store, and Plant Seeds from Your Garden. It will be available July 1, 2014. As the title implies, it will help you retrieve seeds from your store bought vegetables. The book was written by Fern Marshall Bradley. Bradley has decades of experience and multiple books on gardening and produce. Since Bradley is a subject-matter expert, you can trust the information provided.
Saving Vegetable seeds is a user friendly book. You do not have to have a green thumb or gardening experience to use this book. Fern Marshall Bradley provides informative step by step instructions. Each vegetable has a difficulty level as well as ideal times to grow them. Beginners should start with easy retrievals to build confidence. Certain sections of the book are not meant to be read chronologically. Based on where you stand as a seed saver and planter, you can use information that is pertinent to your needs. If you want to take seed saving to another level, Bradley provides additional international and national resources.
In the long run, home grown produce will always be cheaper than store bought. Collecting seeds is a rewarding hobby. Plus, you can get two uses from the produce you buy today. Eat now and preserve seeds for later. As you wait for the release date, you can preorder Saving Vegetable Seeds on Amazon and add it your GoodReads reading list.