Actor Kevin Spacey has been on a tear as of late with Netflix’s House of Cards, which will be filming its third season soon. Now, he’s adding a video game to his impressive resume, starring in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
News about Spacey’s possible involvement in the next edition of the popular series surfaced on Thursday when a sound file surfaced on Thursday, reports Yahoo Games. The clip sounded like something right out of a House of Cards script, although Spacey did not use Frank Underwood’s Southern accent.
The clip ended with a Spectrogram, which just sounds like a hiss, but is actually a picture created using soundwaves. It turns out that the picture was of a soldier, which lead some to assume that Spacey is involved with Call of Duty.
With the cat out of the bag early, Spacey and Activision posted the official trailer for the new game, titled Advanced Warfare. The two-time Oscar winner joins the ranks of Kiefer Sutherland, Ice Cube and Gary Oldman, who have all contributed to the series.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is expected to be released on Nov. 4.