The story of Anne Frank will be brought to life for a whole new generation when a new stage show kicks off in Amsterdam. The show will chronicle the life of Frank under Nazi occupation.
This play will use the actual words and writings from the diary of Frank. the charity that owns the diary's copyright gave their blessing to the stage show to use the exact words in the production. The play is being staged at a 1,100-seat theater in Amsterdam's west port area.
The play will also feature a full scale replication of the secret canal-side apartment where Frank and her family hid for 18 months.
BBC news added that the cast of 20 actors will be delivering their lines in the play in Dutch, but the show will be translated into six other languages.
In a recent interview with AP producer Robin de Levita discussed the play and said that its the details that will help tell this story to a whole new generation. "A lot of people think they know the story, but once you see this you will get to know a lot of details you don't realize."
"We show historical footage to create a relationship between what happened in real time and what happened while they were in hiding," De Levita said. "We follow her whole life and look over her shoulder, see what she experienced."
The original Broadway play "The Diary of Anne Frank," won the Tony Award for best play back in 1956.