NBC’s Today Show journalist Ann Curry was rescued by a group of boy scouts last month when she fell down New York’s Bear Mountain and broke her leg. She’s now thanking them in a letter a month later.

Troop 368 from Berkeley Heights, NJ happened to pass by a stranded Curry and her family on April 5 and one of the scouts asked her if she was ok. When she told them she thought she broke her ankle, they made a makeshift splint and stretcher and carried her to safety.

"We were just doing what Boy Scouts do," one of the leaders, Chris Tribuna, told Daily News about their heroic efforts. Curry’s family had carried her as far as they possibly could, so the television anchor was grateful the scouts happened to stumble across them.

The scouts had no clue they had rescued a famous television personality, but it made no difference to them.

Scouting Magazine has the letter Curry sent them after the incident.

“Your skill and professionalism were a great comfort to me. I feel enormously lucky you came along at just the right moment, and were so willing to help a stranger in need,” she wrote.

She also tweeted, “If you break a leg on on a mountain, I hope Boy Scout Troop 368 finds you. Boy am I glad they found me” and linked to this Scouting Magazine story about the rescue.