The Foo Fighters are about to celebrate their 20th anniversary as a band and release their eight-studio album. After the group recorded their last album, Wasting Light, in an actual garage, fans wanted to know what would be next for the group and the Foo Fighters are not going to disappoint.
For their eight album the band will travel to Chicago, Austin, Nashville, Los Angeles, Seattle, New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and New York, and record a track for the new album in each of the cities. The group will also be releasing an HBO documentary series about this unique recording process but a release date for the album has not yet been announced.
In honor of this new HBO documentary series and album, is counting down the top ten Foo Fighter songs. From “Everylong” to “The Pretender,” the Foo Fighters have proven that they are going to make rock ‘n’ roll their own way and that their fans will still help them top the charts while selling out stadiums around the world. Did your favorite not make the list? Comment below and add your favorite.
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10. Walk
The Foo Fighters and Dave Grohl have been through a lot as a band but their music has always stood the test of time. “Walk” was a great representation of how far the band has come musically and professionally.
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9. The Pretender
Off of Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace, “The Pretender” was the lead off single and featured all of the Foo elements that fans love. Hard-hitting guitars, long drum solos and of course, Grohl’s larger than life vocals. “The Pretender” took the Foo’s music into 2013 but stayed true
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8. These Days
“These Days” is on the Wasting Light album. Light was recorded fully in Grohl’s garage. The album brought the band back to their original roots and kept the spirit of punk alive. It received many critical accolades and was a major success for the band.
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7. Everlong
One of the most well known songs from the Foo Fighters, “Everlong,” opens strong and features the best of the best when it comes to the band.
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6. Monkey Wrench
Another instant classic from the band, fans everywhere scream loudly and jump up at down from the opening chords of “Monkey Wrench” till the very last note.
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5. Times Like These
A classic from the Foo Fighters, “Times Like These,” is also featured on the One by One. This song received major airplay and is a staple in the Foo Fighters catalog.
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4. Learn to Fly
In 1999, There is Nothing Left To Lose was released and “Learn to Fly” was the single that soared off on that record. Highlighting another reason why the Foo Fighters have become another rock ‘n’ roll classic.
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3. All My Life
Featured as the lead track off of One By One, this was an instant fan favorite.
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2. Best of You
One of the most emotional songs ever written and performed by Grohl, this song instantly connected with fans. It was strong, aggressive and still managed to hit an emotional cord with the fans.
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1. My Hero
“My Hero” is a classic from the second album and was a huge fan favorite. This song helped the Foo Fighters take their sound from the rock charts to the mainstream charts.