Geraldine Solon is an award-winning, best-selling author who has penned the novels Love Letters, Chocolicious, The Lost Flower and The Assignment.

She also wrote Authorpreneur in Pajamas, her first marketing guide book. In addition, she is the Gastronomique en Vogue managing editor and the writer and producer of the film version of Love Letters. She has provided with some helpful hints for anyone interested in writing and publishing their own novels.

You can check out the author's website at

1. Identify Why You Write:

The first and foremost most question an author needs to ask themselves is why do you write. Do you write to make money? Are you fulfilling a long-term dream or passion? Is there a message you need to share with the world? Do you want to find healing through your writing? Once you answer these questions, you will have a clearer definition of your goals. Authors also need to determine if they're writing as a hobby or a career.
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2. Find Your Readers Before Writing Your Book:

Before writing a book, an author needs to define who will be their potential readers. Do you have a niche market? What is your genre? What age group does your book cater to? Where can you find them? How will you reach out to them? If you're writing a children's book, identify what the age group will be. If you're writing a book about golf, then your readers will most likely be golfers and wannabe golfers. With 1500 books released daily, what will make your book stand out from the rest? Finding your readers early on will keep authors on top of the game.
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3. Make Investments:

Every author needs to make investments in their career. You are your greatest product and behind every book lies and author who wrote it. Invest in professional head shot photos. Invest in a website where people can find you. Invest in marketing materials like bookmarks, business cards, postcards and promotional items. Invest in advertisements to promote your book and help build your career. Invest in a team to assist you with your book. Your team can consist of an editor, a professional cover artist, photographer.
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4. Research is a Must:

An Authorpreneur focuses on establishing one's brand, building your platform, and creating exposure. Research plays an important game since the publishing industry is constantly evolving. What worked ten years ago for authors may not work in this digital age. Research everything you need to know about the writing craft, publishing industry and different ways to promote yourself.
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5. Take Advantage of Online Tools:

The powerful factor of this digital age is that everything can be done in the comforts of your own home, in your pajamas and with a push of a button. There are numerous online resources an author can tap into that can help one's career. Being active in social media like Facebook, Twitter, GoodReads, Instagram, LinkedIn and other social networks can connect you with people globally. Blogging and participating in virtual book tours also provides exposure and increases your network.
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6. Believe That Competition is Healthy:

An author should be aware that competition is not there to ruin your career but to challenge you to be different and stand out from the rest. Studying the marketing strategies of various authors can teach you how to build your own brand and which direction to take. You can also connect with their readers and followers.
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7. Know the Difference Between Sales and Marketing:

The million dollar question every author asks is how am I going to sell my book? Selling the book is just the icing on the cake while marketing involves a lot of creative thinking. It takes a whole team to package a book which requires your editor, cover artist, formater and photographer. You also have to factor in the quality and pricing. Authors need to think outside the box as to how you will hook your readers to buy your book.
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8. Build Relationships With Your Readers:

What butter is to bread, are what readers are to books. You need them more than they need you. You can't rely only on your friends and family, you need a bigger network to tap into. How do you connect with your readers? One example is by participating in forums, social networks and blogs. Readers would like to see a personal side to you and building relationships with them.
[new page = Be Consistent]
9. Be Consistent:

You'll have a loyal list of followers if you continue to write more books. Readers need to trust that you will deliver the next breakout novel or the spellbinding self-help book.

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10. Celebrate Your Milestones:

You've worked hard to build your brand and now is the perfect time to celebrate all your achievements. Open a bottle of champagne and make a toast to yourself. Don't be shy to share your milestones with your readers and fans. They have watched you grow in your career and will be happy to be a part of your success. If you're in this career for the long haul, you need to continue to believe in yourself that you've come a long way and have so much in store for you.