Charlize Theron has caused quite a stir with her recent comments and the internet has reacted in a strong way.

As we previously reported, Theron compared the constant media attention that she receives to being “raped.”

While the internet is up in arms over her remark, it is important to note that Theron was the spokesperson for a “Real Men Don’t Rape” campaign, raising awareness for the high amounts of rape in South Africa. (Check out her commercial below.)

There have been a few overdramatic statements about fame in the news recently. Gwyneth Paltrow compared negative online comments to war. Jennifer Lawrence caused a stir after she was overheard comparing her excitement for Alfonso Cuarón to a ”rape scream” at a Cannes party.

Since Theron’s statement, she has been trending online and her interview has gone viral. After going viral, people took to Twitter to discuss the subject. Some were offended while others stood up for her. There were many different tweets about not only Theron but about famous people complaining and the overuse of the word rape in the first place.

After the backlash for those actresses and others, the internet has made it very clear that these celebrities can’t abuse language and use overdramatic comparisons. Note to Theron: the only thing that is “like rape,” is rape.

Here are the top 10 twitter reactions to Theron’s rape comment.

[new page=Severity of crime tweet]
10. Dilutes severity of crime

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center tweeted in disagreement with her statements, including a link to a news story.

[new page=Paparazzi is not rape tweet]
9. Think before you speak

@LEILAGRACEORG is the twitter account for the Leila Grace Foundation. It provides online sexual assault awareness and prevention education to college students.

[new page=Selfish tweet]
8. Unreal

[new page=#Facepalm tweet]
7. Face palm

[new page=Team Theron tweet]
6. The defense

[new page=Morons win tweet]
5. Morons

[new page=Damaged tweet]
4. Feminism tweet

[new page=Tough life tweet]
3. Life as a superstar

[new page=Stop saying it tweet]
2. Ignorant

[new page=Don’t use it tweet]
1. General Rule