Sequels are tough to make. There's the comparison to the original and the fact that sometimes the original actors don’t want to come back into their roles. And sometimes, the original movie was so bad that the sequel just adds insult to injury.

There are far more than 10 bad sequels and there are some sequels that aren’t so bad. However, the sequels on this list are memorable because they are so bad that they make the original movie look like high art in comparison. The sequels on this list weren’t made because there was more story to be told. These movies were made for the money.

While calling something “the worst” is relatively subjective, these movies are not only perceived to be bad by me, but also review aggregation sites like Rotten Tomatoes. The films on this list are considered to be rotten with a negative rating of less than 50% by critics and viewers.

With each film on the list, there is the plot, the cast and why it is the worst. The reasons vary from actors being recast to stories being overdramatic. No matter what the reason is, here are the top 10 worst movie sequels.

If your favorite made the list or your least favorite didn’t, comment below on what sequel you think is the worst.

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