Godzilla will return to the big screen on Friday after a 10 year hiatus. As 60 year old franchise continues, some are arguing over rights for the legendary figure.
Not so easy, according to attorneys acting on behalf of Godzilla’s owners. "Godzilla is just as protected as Mickey Mouse," said attorney Chuck Shephard in a recent interview, according to the Associated Press.
This year’s film is based on the1954 film. Film director Gareth Edwards explains what it took to bring the blockbuster to the screen. After spending 10 years as a digital effects artist, he was prepared to direct the film. The filmmaker explained that he loved the “massive appeal of it," according to the Telegraph.
Shephard represents the Los Angeles law firm of Greenberg Glusker and has been a lawyer for Godzilla since the mid 1980s. So far, there have been 32 copyright lawsuits, and it remains to be seen whether the release of the new film will generate more Godzilla frenzy. Licensing efforts for Godzilla include endorsements, video games, and even wine and sake brands.