Ashley Benson, one of the stars of ABC Family's Pretty Little Liars has been granted a temporary restraining order against a security guard that worked on the Warner Brothers lot. The 49-year-old man, James P. Gorton, was very open about his desire to have a romantic relationship with Benson. He added that he was acting under instructions from God.

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E! Online reported that the petition that was filed with the court explained that Benson was anxious, worried and concerned for her safety. The petition was filed yesterday in Los Angeles Superior Court.

The restraining order is temporary but it orders that Gorton must stay at least 100 yards away from Benson and he is not allowed to contact her pending a hearing that will decide if the restraining order is to be extended. That hearing will be taking place on July 9th.

Daily Mail added that Gorton has been fired from Warner Bros which is the studio that films Pretty Little Liars.