After years of child bearing struggles, Giuliana and Bill Rancic have more devastating news. Their surrogate Delphine has suffered a miscarriage.

The couple told People magazine about the miscarriage.
“This whole season on Giuliana and Bill we've been trying to have another baby. Unfortunately our surrogate Delphine who we love very much had a miscarriage. It's something that we didn't see coming. We were devastated.”
Delphine was approximately nine weeks pregnant when the miscarriage happened, about three weeks away from entering the second trimester.
According to USA Today this is not the first time the couple has experienced a miscarriage. Before the couple tried surrogacy Giuliana tried to carry a child using in-vitro fertilization which resulted in a miscarriage and the discovery of her breast cancer. They turned to surrogacy and were successful with the birth of their child Duke, who was also carried by surrogate Delphine.
The couple is not giving up though, “Hopefully we're going to have good news and Delphine will be on board one more time.” With luck, they will be successful with their dream of having another child.