Hollywood Digs is a truly unique essay collection of old Hollywood stories. This is the perfect library addition for any Hollywood history enthusiast as each chapter unlocks an untold tale based on an artifact or place. My personal favorite (super interesting story) involved a simple street sign in Encino California and how it related to F. Scott Fitzgerald (HUGE FAN HERE) living out his final days on the Horton Estate.
Hollywood Digs provides a new piece of history in each chapter. Its truly amazing how author Ken LaZebnik can attach such interesting Hollywood fact to simple items and locations. LaZebnik's humor brings a light flow to each new piece and you are instantly transported to the life of Judy Garland, Marlon Brando, Jimmy Stewart, Groucho Marks and even Jack Nicholson (really interesting story). The author's extensive resume includes writing for television, film and theater. LaZebnik is mostly known for his work on "Prairie Home Companion" and "A Visit To Mark Twain's House". He wrote 20 episodes for the hit television show "Touched By An Angel".
Hollywood Digs is a must read for any history and/or Hollywood buff. Its a perfect easy and light summer read for the beach!

Hollywood Digs is available on amazon for purchase. You can also locate it on Goodreads.