Justin Bieber is once again under fire for his less than likable actions. This time it's for his repeated use of the N word during a racist joke he told when he was 15 in a video that has recently surfaced.

The clip was recorded during the making of Bieber's documentary film, Never Say Never, reports Time. It shows Bieber, who was 15 at the time, proceeding with the racist joke even after being warned by an unidentified, off-camera voice that said, “Don't even say it.”

According to Billboard, the video was first published on May 31 by British site The Sun, which reported that Bieber's people were aware of its existence, and had made offers to pay as long as the video remained unpublished.

Reports state that TMZ, which published the footage the following day after it appeared on The Sun, claims the footage has been in its possession for four years, but hadn't released it due to Bieber's young age.

The now 20-year-old singer is said to be “sad and frustrated” about the released clip and has plans to address it publicly within a few days.