An Italian soccer fan has been accused of allegedly killing his family before he headed out to a bar to watch the World Cup match between England and Italy.
According to UPI, Carlo Lissi is charged with the murder of his wife, Cristina Omes and their two young girls, ages 5 and 20 months old.
Officials said that Lissi called police to the family's Motta Visconti residence early Sunday morning and claimed that he found the victim’s bodies after returning home from the bar.
The Mirror reported that the 31-year-old allegedly confessed later to slitting his wife’s throat while she watched TV, before allegedly killing his daughters as they slept.
After the brutal murders, he allegedly left the house and headed to a bar with some friends, as if nothing had happened, to cheer on the country’s national team.
Authorities said that in Lissi’s confession, he allegedly told police that one of the reasons he killed his wife was because he had fallen for another woman.
Italy won the match that night 2-1.