It’s been 20 years since Pulp Fiction came out and Samuel L. Jackson is still able to recite his Ezekiel 25:17 speech from memory. The speech from the film is terrifying in its own way, but years later, Jackson is still able to bring power through his words with his stern and deep voice.

According to the Huffington Post, when Jackson went on The Graham Norton show, he was asked if he did remember the speech. In the 1994 film, he played Jules Winnfield. When he told Norton he did, the host asked Jackson if he would recite it for the audience.

Jackson was happy to oblige and he recited the entire speech for Norton and the audience, including actress Keira Knightly, who joined in the applause at the end of Jackson’s speech.

Most recently, Pulp Fiction celebrated its anniversary at the Cannes Film Festival.

TIME reported that during the speech, the room turned dark and a close-up of Jackson’s stern face was joined with haunting music as Jackson perfectly delivered the famous lines from the movie.

Watch the speech below and if you’ve seen Pulp Fiction, you might just feel like you’re watching the scene again, without the gun shots and violence, of course.

Photo Credit: Kristin Callahan/ACE/