Technology is everywhere. It is unavoidable. There are affordable versions of tablets, smart phones, and laptops. Yes, there are techy toys geared towards infants and toddlers. Do we really need to teach our children how to use gadgets on the potty? Using any device on the toilet is a bad habit, but people do it anyways. This is going to far. On top of that, 223 customers shared their opinion about the product.
Some parents are having buyers remorse. Kristen Lowery had an epiphany at church.
Kristen Lowery "readgreatfiction" : Unexpected Condition(ing)
I really thought it worked great until I handed little Pavlov the iPad to keep him quiet in church. Yikes!
This must have been a wake up call. You know it's bad when toys aren’t doing the trick anymore. This thing is already a potty and an activity table, does it really need more? Some customers think so.
joeinnyc: Good but limited options
I would have rated it higher but it doesn't come with a sippy-cup holder or wheels so that my toddler can just ride the thing around the house.
First off, how secure is that seat? It is probably a stationary device for a reason. Second of all, a sippy-cup holder? Do you want him or her sitting on this all day? It is a Potty first and iPad holder second. Thankfully, there are reviewers out there that see something is terribly wrong with this concept.
Michelle D. : this puts the WHEEEE! into potty training
Nothing is more exciting than not only handing over an expensive tablet, but giving it to someone who cannot control their own body functions. Hooray for eColi! Good job iPotty. My kid peeing on a cheerio was nearly child abuse compared to this!
Snide comments are great on Amazon. I was surprised she gave it five stars. She probably did that so her review would be approved.
This product is a reflection of our society. Many people can’t navigate their home or public places without their gadgets. Do we want our future leaders to use tablets 24/7?