With this weekend marking the 30th anniversary of the original theatrical release of the classic film, Ghostbusters, it seems only proper to do our part in celebrating a movie that has kept millions entertained, steadily through the years. So much so that a theatrical re-release of the restored and remastered film has been scheduled for August 29, 2014, in 700 theaters, and celebrations are taking place all over the world. Included in the celebrations are a traveling art show, new collectible merchandise, anniversary edition releases of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 (celebrating its 25th anniversary) on DVD and Blu-ray, a new Lego Ideas Ghostbusters set, an Italian flash mob...yes, I said an Italian flash mob...and so much more.

Oh, what to do? What to do? And then someone said, “How about Top 10 things you can do with marshmallows? Now, I don’t like spoilers, so just in case you have never seen Ghostbusters, I’m not going to tell you why that’s such a grand idea. You’ll just have to trust me that it is, and enjoy this creative list of things people have found to do with marshmallows. And I mean thinking outside of the “recipe box” kind of creative, although I did include three of my favorite recipes that include marshmallows. But I’ll get those over with in the beginning to ease our way into the more...creative...things to do with marshmallows. Do you know of other things to do with marshmallows not mentioned here? Let us know in the comments below.

[new page = Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats]

10. Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats

These have got to be one of the best edible creations ever, and nowadays there are so many variations of the recipe that include nuts, caramel, chocolate, M&Ms, candy bars and so much more. There are endless possibilities. But my favorite from the time I was a little girl up through and including today has been the original Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats. Click below to find the recipe. If you’re not familiar with Pinterest, just click the picture below, then click the picture again on the page at Pinterest to which the first click takes you.

[new page = Campfire S’mores]

9. Campfire S’mores

Ah, the fun and adventures of being a Brownie, a Girl Scout, a Cadet…. We learned so much and went on so many great camping trips. I think those camping trips were the best part of being a scout. I remember one particular trip when we were sitting around the campfire at night, telling stories and singing “Kumbaya,” our leader decided to teach us how to make a very special...I mean, this was a rite of passage...treat that we could make for ourselves whenever stuck out in the woods, at night, by a campfire, with nothing but some sticks, some graham crackers, a chocolate bar, and some marshmallows. Just the stuff you normally have with you when you’re out in the woods by yourself, at night, by a campfire.

[new page = Kraft Fantasy Fudge]

8. Kraft Fantasy Fudge

Making chocolate fudge had always been hit or miss with me. I could never seem to keep a candy thermometer around, and I wasn’t very good at judging those soft little balls that were supposed to form in a glass of cold water when the temperature of the fudge you were cooking was just right. But then, one day, I somehow ran across this recipe for Fantasy Fudge made with Kraft Marshmallow Creme. OMG! Comes out perfect EVERY time, and tastes sooooooo good! People think you’re the best confectioner in the whole wide world.

[new page = Marshmallow Building]

7. Marshmallow Building

Kids stuck at home on a rainy day with nothing to do? Just make sure to keep a bag or two of mini marshmallows and a box of toothpicks around. Sit kids at the table. Then put the marshmallows and toothpicks in front of them. They’ll take it from there.

[new page = Marshmallow People]

6. Marshmallow People

The two young girls in this video are quite cute, funny and talented and are very good at giving instructions for making your own collection of marshmallow people. All you need is some marshmallows, a paint brush, some food coloring, napkins, water, canned frosting and this video. Another great rainy day activity for kids.

[new page = Marshmallow Guns]

5. Marshmallow Guns

I’ve watched enough home videos of families playing marshmallow war with this type of toy, and they all seem to be with a Christmas tree in the background. They probably do make great gifts for birthdays and holidays. You just have to be sure to buy enough shooters and marshmallows to go around. Great fun for the whole family.

[new page = Chubby Bunny]

4. Chubby Bunny

I had honestly never heard of Chubby Bunny before I started researching for this piece. It seems to simply be a competition between a number of players, putting marshmallows in their mouths, one at a time, taking turns, and saying “chubby bunny” after each insertion. The goal is to see who can stuff the most marshmallows in their mouth while still being able to say “chubby bunny.” Watch the match below between James McVey, from British pop rock band The Vamps, and Rocky Lynch, from American pop rock band R5.

Note: This is not a recommendation to play this game. Fatalities have occurred.

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3. Psychological Tests on Children

This is supposedly a very common psychological test that’s been used for decades. It is administered to young children, around age 4, to test how they delay gratification, i.e., to test their impulse control. It is used to predict future academic success. Personally, it looks to me like How to Torture a Kid 101. LOL The test involves putting a child in a room alone, sitting them at a table and giving them a marshmallow. They are told that the tester has to go do something but they’ll be back soon and that they (the child) can eat the marshmallow now, or, if they wait until the tester comes back, they can have a second marshmallow. Then the tester leaves the room for what seems to the kids to be an eternity. One test I watched said the tester leaves for 15 minutes. Watching these kids try to wait it out is priceless.

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2. Japanese Game Show

Okay. This one had me rolling on the floor. It is a task that has to be completed by each team on a game show, and it does involve marshmallows. It is in Japanese, but not understanding what is being said put no damper on the hilarity that ensued. Just when you think, “okay, I’ve seen enough,” you’ve got to hold out to see the next to last guy on the red team. I guarantee he’ll get at least one more chuckle out of you.

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1. Movie Character

SPOILER ALERT!! If you have never seen Ghostbusters, then you’ll want to stop here. And those of you who have seen the movie, know what is to come - one of the most creative uses of marshmallows you’ve most likely ever seen.

By all means, whether you’ve seen it before or not, make plans to go see Ghostbusters on the big screen, at a theater near you on August 29. It’s worth it. I know! I saw the movie on the big screen during its original release. Spectral-cular fun!