Amidst the recent backlash surrounding the casting of recording artist Zendaya Coleman in the starring role of Lifetime’s upcoming Aaliyah biopic, videos have surfaced of actress and dancer Teyana Taylor that are rumored to be from her audition for the role.

The Huffington Post reports that over the weekend dancer/choreographer TyronBee leaked the videos on his Instagram account. The videos show Taylor dancing to Aaliyah’s 2000 hit “Try Again,” reciting what appears to be a monologue, and singing a few bars from Aaliyah’s song “At Your Best(You are Love).” TyronBee said this in defense of his decision to post the videos:

“I know Teyana is gona(sic) be mad at me for posting her audition clips but I honestly feel no one deserves this role more then her. She embraces Aaliyah dancing, acting and singing.but unfortunately @teyanataylor heard that Aaliyah's family isn't involved & she no longer wanted to be apart of the film.”

The family of the late singer has already expressed their displeasure with the small scale nature of a television movie. Her uncle and former manager Barry Hankerson told TMZ that the family has hired an attorney and plans to block the release of the film and the use of Aaliyah's music in the film.

The biopic is set to be filmed this summer and will air in the fall.

Keep scrolling to see Teyana Taylor's audition clips.

Images via Instagram from TyronBee

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