The opportunity to become Special Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the Marvel Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. Exhibition at Discovery Times Square and experience first-hand the wonders of the Marvel Avengers, plus the science behind the supernatural is a not-to-miss experience.

Our adventure started with creating a cool S.H.I.E.L.D. card.

Now we were ready to train to become special agents. The exhibit is filled with interactive fun and games. The Exosuit Flight Simulator was my favorite. I was able to suit up, fly and feel what it’s like to be Iron Man. Other great activities included exploring the planet Asgard, Thor’s planet, testing my gamma radiation vulnerability (how Hulk was born), and comparing my strength with Captain America.

Superhero costumes and accessories are displayed including Captain America’s shield, Black Widow’s costume, Iron Man’s suit and cool others. This exhibit would be best described as the “Avenger’s Museum.”

It’s fun for all ages and it took us about an hour to explore.

My 10-year-old son summed it up as “an amazing experience and I felt really involved with superheroes." Both my boys love superheroes. My younger son could identify most superheroes by 2-years-old, even before he learned his ABC’s. Their only disappointment was that Thor's hammer was not on display.

If you love superheroes this exhibit will not disappoint.

[ new page = Loki's Chitauri Scepter and Helmet ]

Loki's mind-controlling Chitauri Scepter and Helmet. Loki is the God of Mischief and Thor's arch-nemesis, adopted brother.

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Iron Man's suit with arc reactor core. The arc reactor core is made of vibranium, a fictional metal, used also to construct Captain America's shield. The metal is closely related to adamantium and virtually indestructible.

[ new page = Captain America's super suit ]
Captain America's super suit was designed by Phillip J. Coulson, an espionage agent, who works with S.H.I.E.L.D and huge fan of Captain America. The super suit is constructed of nomex and kevlar fiber and offers a a medium level of resistance to force impacts.

[ new page = Captain America's shield ]
Captain America's shield, as you already know, is made of vibranium. It is light-weight and used as an offensive and defensive piece of equipment constructed in WWII. The kids were mesmerized with it!

[ new page = Iron Man's Glove ]
Iron Man's Glove repulser thrusters help Iron Man fly (as we experienced in the simulator) and also used as weapons that shoot repulser beams.

For more information or to buy tickets go to Discovery Times Square.