We begin tonight’s episode where we left on on Thursday night during the HOH competition. This competition is all about patience and concentration.

-Amber: She is very upset knowing that she is going to be nominated. She is crushed that she was nominated by Frankie. She thinks that the girls should start working together to get some of the guys out of the house. She wins the BOTB comp. along with Jocasta. She is definitely a physical threat in the house.

-Brittany: She is upset because she feels that the ‘Bomb Squad’ alliance is still somewhat working together and feels that she is going to be nominated this week. She considers herself the “old girl” of the house. She feels slightly defeated, not to mention furious that Cody nominated her. I liked her in the beginning but I’m starting to not be a fan.

-Caleb: He is insanely jealous of Amber and Cody’s friendship. He claims that he is done with Amber. I could see him being a potential target for being backdoored this week after the POV comp.

-Christine: She is ecstatic to be apart of the new alliance ‘The Detonators’. I think she is playing an excellent game so far. She is in a solid alliance with ‘The Detonators’ and she has a good relationship with the other people in the house.

-Cody: He wins the HOH competition along with Frankie. He is a member of ‘The Detonators’ and apparently has a man crush on Zach Efron. He is offended of Brittany’s assumption of what his nominations are going to be. He nominates Brittany and Victoria for eviction. He remains the sole HOH for the week. He is one of my favorite people in the house.

-Derrick: He is a member of ‘The Detonators’ alliance. He has some strong allies in the house and I think he is staying smart and focused and is going to go far in this game.

-Donny: “I never feel safe in this house.” He can feel safe knowing that he is not nominated this week. Things do change by the minute in the house though…

-Frankie: He is the winner of the HOH competition along with Cody. He is relived that his family did not send a picture that would reveal that his sister is Ariana Grande. He is dethroned from being HOH after his nominees lost the BOTB. He should be safe considering he is in an alliance with Cody.

-Hayden: His man crush is Leonardo DiCaprio. That was pretty much all we got from him this episode.

-Jocasta: She is nominated for eviction by Frankie. She wins the BOTB comp. and comes off the nomination block. She is one of the people in the house that I really do not like.

-Nicole: Nothing really from her this episode. She still cuddles with Hayden. They are the only couple or “showmance” in the house.

-Victoria: She is apparently the person no one in the house wants to sleep with because of her being “high maintenance.” She was nominated by Cody. She is very upset and frustrated that she was nominated. She remains on the nomination block with Brittany. I honestly don’t see her as the target this week.

-Zach: He forms a new alliance called ‘The Detonators’ with Frankie, Cody, Christine and Derrick. He is definitely a character. I would see him being evicted soon, but considering this new alliance, he might make it farther than I predicted.

-TeamAmerica: Frankie receives word about their next mission. He has to inform the other members about their mission to get a physical threat in the house on the nomination block. They meet together and decide that Amber is the girl they are potentially going to nominate. They accomplish their mission with Amber going on the nomination block.

Good episode that showed a strong new alliance in the house that has the potential to go far in the game. Who will win the Power of Veto? We will find out Wednesday night!