Emma Stone and Colin Firth did a joint interview to promote their Woody Allen film Magic in the Moonlight, which hits theaters on Friday and Stone revealed how much of a super fan she is of Firth’s prior work.

Stone told Daily Beast she’s particularly a fan of Firth’s Bridget Jones films and she’s seen Love Actually “about 18 times.”

She even revealed how she annoyed him while watching Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason by “live-texting” it as she watched.

“You were so upset with me!” she said. “You were very upset with me, if I remember correctly. I talked him through what he was doing."

E! Online reports Firth joked he sometimes tries not to re-live his past films but that doesn’t always work out.

"She's talking through my back catalog via text!" he said. "I might decide to not revisit stuff in the past, and then you get a good friend saying, 'Oh, when you were doing this you had this and that expression on your face.'"

image via Roger Wong/INFphoto.com