Justin Timberlake showed the world just how big his heart is by making one boy’s day unforgettable.

According to the New York Daily News, 12 year-old Robbie Twible, who suffers from a painful skin disease, was surprised by Timberlake with tickets to his performance at the Hammerstein Ballroom.

On top of that, the singer provided a limo to take Twible, his sister, and their parents to the concert and back home.

The boy was surprised to see a limo outside, and even more shocked to find out he was going to a Justin Timberlake concert.

Twible is a walking miracle, as he was not expected to survive after his birth.

Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare disease that causes blisters all over the body, and must be treated daily.

Despite his painful condition, Twible busts out a few moves whenever Timberlake’s music comes on.

“When Justin Timberlake comes on, he can really move. He’s got great dance moves,” said Twible’s father.

Timberlake dedicated his song “Mirrors” to the Twible, reported the Huffington Post.

Twible’s next goal is to land on the Ellen Degeneres show, and he’s already submitted a video.

“There's actually three reasons why I've been trying to get on your show. One, you're my hero. Two, you inspire me. And three, I want to share my story."

Image courtesy of INF photos.com