Kanye West cleared up some rumors about his May wedding to Kim Kardashian in addition to gushing about his wife once again in an interview for the August issue of GQ.

The Yeezus rapper spoke about he and the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star’s cultural significance as well as the infamous 45-minute toast he reportedly gave at his wedding.

West told GQ about his speech, “What I talked about in it was the idea of celebrity, and celebrities being treated like blacks were in the '60s, having no rights, and the fact that people can slander your name. I said that in the toast. And I had to say this in a position where I, from the art world, am marrying Kim. And how we're going to fight to raise the respect level for celebrities so that my daughter can live a more normal life.”

He went on to quote Will Ferrell’s Step Brothers to explain his marriage. “Never lose your dinosaur," he said. "This is the ultimate example of a person never losing his dinosaur. Meaning that even as I grew in cultural awareness and respect and was put higher in the class system in some way for being this musician, I never lost my dinosaur."

West even compared Kardashian to a dinosaur because of how “rare” she is, gushing “You mean to tell me that this girl with this f--king body and this face is also into style, and she's a nice person, and she has her own money and is family-oriented? That's just as cool as a f--king fighter jet or dinosaur! And just as rarely seen."

He’s certainly happy about married life, saying life is better as a “team.” He admitted that what makes them “powerful” is the fact that they’re bringing two different personalities to the table.

“What I had to learn from Kim is how to take more of her advice and less of other people's advice. There's a lot of Kim K skills that were added,” he said. “In order to win at life, you need some Kim K skills, period."

One of the highlights of the interview was West clearing up a Page Six report that he flipped out about the bar and did it himself, calling it “art.” He explained he didn’t do it himself because of union rules, but instead he told them how to fix it.

“For the person that wrote that, were they involved with anything last year that was as culturally significant as the Yeezus tour or that album? They didn't even talk there about the photographs, or the dress, or Andrea Bocelli singing, or the marble tables,” he said.

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