Madonna may be a “Material Girl” but she didn't get to be a juror on Monday.

According to AceShowbiz, Madge reported for jury duty Monday at a New York City courthouse. The 55-year-old pop queen showed up looking sharp in a black suit, pants, a scarf and a pair of sunglasses.

But it didn’t take long for Madonna to complete her civic duty. She was excused from the courtroom two hours later. A court official later explained Madonna’s dismissal saying, “We had ample jurors today and had we needed her, she would have been sent out on a panel.”

The official went on to say that because there were enough jurors it was not necessary to include Madonna and she would have “created a further distraction.” Another attorney emphasized this point by saying that Madonna’s “celebrity overrides her intellect. Everyone would be staring at her - I know I would.”

Some of Madonna’s fellow jurors didn’t take too kindly to her being excused early from jury duty. AceShowbiz reports that one juror named Anna said, "The whole idea is everyone is here to serve. It's ridiculous to make it a tiered system."

In the midst of her brief stint as a court appointed juror, Madonna found time to post on Instagram about her day with the American justice system. She captioned the photo, “Serving my country! Reporting to jury selection! #itshotinhere.”

Photo via Instagram from Madonna
Photo Courtesy of: Kirkland/MPI/