MTV has placed many hit series and reality shows on TV, but their new project is something that has never been done before. The show is about a group of 20-something year old virgins and how they have committed to saving their v-card.

In the new series Virgin Territory MTV will follow 15 young adults who are dealing with the emotions and decisions that come with being a virgin or losing their virginity. Fox News reports that Virgin Territory will shine a light on what lead these people to decide to be virgins and stick with it.
Dominique Sullivan, one of the show’s cast members, told reporters, “In the media you don't see that many virgins at all… We get a lot of flak. We can still have fun, but we can also save ourselves.”
MTV displayed a page on their website dedicated to the show and fans who are similar to the show’s subjects. Whisper, a free app, was created and displayed on the page for anyone who wants to share their virginity story anonymously. Virgin Territory will air this Wednesday, July 17 at 11 p.m.