Robin Williams is in a rehab facility to maintain his sobriety. The program he is apart of is located at Hazelden Addiction Treatment Center near Lindstrom, Minnesota. This is a place were Williams can be apart of a program to maintain long-term sobriety so he will not relapse.

The famous comedian is taking time off after he has been working extremely hard on projects. Williams is taking the time to go to this specific rehab center to keep his own body healthy. His representative spoke about Williams’ decision to go to rehab.

"After working back-to-back projects, Robin is simply taking the opportunity to fine-tune and focus on his continued commitment, of which he remains extremely proud," said Robin’s representative, according to TMZ.

There was one point in time that Williams expressed his struggle with alcoholism and cocaine abuse in the early 1980’s on the show Good Morning America, reported by ABC News. He was clean during until he started drinking again in 2006. Since that point in time he has pursued the goal to keep himself a sober man.