Elaine Benes is a fictional character from the hit sitcom Seinfeld (1989-1998) played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Elaine originally was Jerry Seinfeld’s girlfriend, but after breaking up they remained best friends. She is one of the four main characters throughout the show. Through her performance as Elaine, Julia won an Emmy, a Golden Globe and five Screen Actors Guild awards.

Elaine would appear in every episode except for the pilot episode and a two-part episode entitled The Trip.

The character is best described as intelligent and assertive. She easily gets angry with almost anyone on the show and is very stubborn. She can also be somewhat neurotic. With that said, she is simply one of the guys and always remains a close friend of theirs throughout all nine seasons. One of her biggest ideals during the series is her ongoing competition with George. The two constantly argue with each other.

The following are her top ten moments throughout the show.

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