Jaden Smith has become the subject of a hilarious new meme this month as fans take to Twitter to parody his philosophical muses in 140 characters or less.
Jaden Smith, 16, has always been in the spotlight thanks to his megastar parents, though he has accomplished fame on Twitter all by himself. The young actor is now well known in the Twitterverse for his odd pseudo-philosophical tweets commenting on life, truth and the universe. His remarks have been a hit on social media for a while now, but interest has reached a new height since the star’s recent birthday. According to Yahoo Celebrity, his tweets have become so iconic that users have begun imitating them with the hashtag ‘#TweetLikeJadenSmith.’
Here is one of Jaden’s most recent tweets:
You Can Discover Everything You Need To Know About Everything By Looking At Your Hands
— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) May 10, 2014
Image via Twitter from Jaden Smith
Fans began to imitate Smith’s thought-provoking style, leading to some absurd results. The meme includes the user’s tweet along with the same photo of Jaden looking off into the distance in a black hoodie.
Birds Aren't Singing, They're Screaming. Because They're Afraid Of Heights. Listen With Ur Souls #TweetLikeJadenSmith pic.twitter.com/kHAR2MPlB5
— Charlie Cécile (@charliececile) July 16, 2014
If The Universe Is Continually Expanding Shouldn't Our Minds Be Doing The Same Thing? Open Your Mind. #TweetLikeJadenSmith
— Aydan Aktug (@aydanaktug) July 16, 2014
#TweetLikeJadenSmith When You're Waiting For The Waiter, Aren't You The Waiter? pic.twitter.com/mMIqENarQ5
— PUNS (@WowSoPunny) July 14, 2014
If Jesus can walk on water, Can he swim on land? #TweetLikeJadenSmith pic.twitter.com/IlJWIZX7ZT
— Nathan 牡牛座 (@iAmNateJames) July 10, 2014
If A Man Exits The Room On The Right, Has He Really Left? Think. #TweetLikeJadenSmith pic.twitter.com/6JgoXI82pF
Despite their young age, Jaden and Kylie Jenner have also recently sparked engagement rumors.
What do you think of the newest twitter craze? Will you #TweetLikeJadenSmith?
Image courtesy of INFphoto.com