It is immediately after the BOTB competition and Zach is very upset that he did not win. Jocasta is not giving up and is determined to win the POV this week. Nicole is the first girl HOH to survive the BOTB competition. Zach making the comment that he might go home before Victoria was pretty funny. It was awkward watching Frankie and Nicole talk, with Nicole’s true intentions this week and Frankie makes the comment that a war is about to break out soon. Caleb and Victoria have to be “chained” together for 48 hours from their punishments from the BOTB competition as well as Caleb having to shave his head. Caleb and Victoria are connected by only leaves and considering they can’t stand each other…this was pretty hilarious. They claim to be “annoyed” but I think they actually enjoyed being close to each other.

Another alliance is formed in the house known as ‘The Rationale.’ Nicole, Hayden, Derrick and Cody are the members. Derrick knows that himself and Cody are in several alliances and depending on the POV this week, their true cards could be shown. Christine is trying to stay close with Nicole by talking smack about Hayden. Hayden squashes the rumors Christine was saying and Nicole seemed disgusted by what she heard. Hayden comes up with a great nickname for Christine…”Christine Appleseed” because all she does it plant seeds around the house. It seems that Christine could be creating a target on her back. ‘The Hitmen’ Cody and Derrick feel that Christine and Frankie could be playing them so they would want one of them “backdoored” this week.

Nicole, Zach, Jocasta, Caleb, Christine and Victoria are the participants in this week’s POV competition. Nicole’s backdoor plan can only work if she wins the POV. Zach says he is playing against a bunch of “losers” and should win this thing. ‘The Detonators’ have a meeting before the POV and they feel if Jocasta doesn’t win the POV, he should be fine this week. Zach is clueless that other members are involved in other alliances. He could be in for a shock this week if he does not win the POV. “Zach attack” could be out this week.

The POV competition will be played individually this week. These are interesting competitions because you have to worry about completing your goal quickly and correctly without worrying about your time. The object of the POV is to match the ‘BB Comics’ in the correct order that the ‘BB studio wall’ has them and they have a maximum of 35 mins to do this. This is definitely a challenging competition, especially with the ‘decoy’ comics used to confuse the HG. I noticed that Caleb mentions seeing a comic of Amber and saying that he would have to buy a million “prescriptions” of that magazine. Classic ‘Beast Mode Cowboy.’

I can solidly predict that Victoria is not going to win the POV. I also don’t think Nicole is going to take it either. Seriously…I can’t stand Jocasta. That leaves it down to Caleb, Christine or Zach. Zach’s favorite word is dingus. He does not have a good showing and I don’t think he is winning it. It is time to reveal the winner of the POV. Christine with a time of 11:50 wins the POV. She beat Nicole by 30 seconds. I’m curious to see what she will do with the Veto. Christine ultimately wants Zach gone this week, but is trying to think of the best way to accomplish this.

The POV Ceremony will reveal Christine’s decision on what to do this week. Zach tells a random joke for his speech while Jocasta pleads her case to Christine. Christine decides to not use the POV this week. The plan to backdoor Frankie is gone, but it looks like Zach might be going home this week. Who will be evicted tomorrow night…Jocasta or Zach? Also, tomorrow night is a live double eviction! Thursday night’s episode is going to be the most exciting one yet!

Photo Courtesy of: CBS Broadcasting Company and Josh Adams