John Rocker, former relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves, is just one of the notable figures to be seen in the upcoming season of Survivor: San Juan del Sur –Blood vs. Water.

Although he used to play for the Atlanta Braves, Rocker might be best known for his hateful remarks in a 1999 interview in Sports Illustrated as reported by Entertainment Weekly. In the interview, Rocker was quoted saying how he would never consider living in New York City because, “…Imagine having to take the 7 train to the ballpark looking like you’re [riding through] Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids.” In the interview, Rocker also made negative statements about “foreigners.”

Rocker will be competing with his girlfriend Julie McGee in Survivor: San Juan del Sur –Blood vs. Water according to Other pairings that will be competing in the new season include twins Nadiya and Natalie Anderson, known for their performance in the show The Amazing Race.

The new season of Survivor begins September 24 at 8 p.m.