Julie Chen welcomes us to the live episode where tonight either Cody or Zach will be evicted. The evicted houseguest will compete against jury members Jocasta, Hayden and Nicole and one of them will be returning to the game.
‘Zankie’ is officially over and Zach’s game is in trouble
Zach feels betrayed and devastated by Frankie’s nomination. Frankie knows this was the best game move for him but is worried that he is going to reveal everything and turn the alliance against each other. Zach hopes that Donny has his back this week and votes to keep him safe.
Zach goes to Caleb to campaign for a vote. It seems that Zach and Frankie are having a falling out and it’s not looking good for Zach. Zach is doing everything he can to influence Frankie to keep him this week.
BB Neighborhood Watch is still going strong
The TeamAmerica mission for the week is going well and they have to keep it up for 24 hours. It is hilarious to see how involved the HG are getting into making sure the items are not stolen again. Cody and Caleb are having a good time patrolling the house. They successfully complete the mission and that is another $5,000 for TeamAmerica. This was a very funny part of the past couple episodes.
Donny questions loyalty in the house
Donny talks with Christine in the kitchen and looking at the memory wall is trying to get into Christine’s head. He is looking at everyone left in the game and is questioning who everyone in the house is loyal to. Donny says that he is alone, Zach is alone and he thinks Christine is alone. He doesn’t know that Christine has been working with ‘The Detonators’ but is hoping that they could work together if Zach stays this week.
Who was the first ‘Detonator’ evicted?
Cody and Zach give their final pleas right before the live eviction. It seems like Zach knows he is going home tonight. His feeling was right as he was the next houseguest evicted by a unanimous 5-0 vote. Zach’s exit was memorable as he threw fruit loops on everyone as he left. Zach tells Julie it is completely his fault for being evicted because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Zach says his strategy was to have the HG hate him so they wouldn’t send him home. Zach calls the ‘Zankie’ relationship a great friendship and something that is very important to him.
Someone is leaving the Jury House and heading back to the BB house
We visit the Jury House and see Jocasta and Hayden talking about what happened. Hayden looks happy to see Nicole but also sad because she is not in the house. Nicole fills them in on what happened after they left. Hayden and Nicole rekindle the ‘showmance’ in the Jury House. Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole and the newly evicted Zach compete in a competition to see who goes back into the game. Moments before the competition, the jury members return to the house and reunite with everyone. The competition is called “Comeback Fight.” They have to slide discs onto a spinning turntable with the winner of the competition having the most discs on the table. This should be interesting. This was an intense competition that came down to the final round. In a close competition, Nicole wins and she is back in the Big Brother game!
A very good episode tonight. We have to wait until Sunday to see how the game will change now that Nicole is back and who will win the first solo HOH of the summer. We also see Julie Chen accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge live.