Paul Ryan admitted that he did check out Netflix's hit series House of Cards, but eventually dropped the show after Kevin Spacey's character cheated on his wife in the first season.

In a short interview with Parade magazine, the former vice presidential candidate was asked if he ever sat down and watched political shows.

"I watched the first couple of episodes until he cheated on his wife" with Kate Mara's character Zoe Barnes, Ryan said. "It turned my stomach so much that I just couldn't watch it anymore. His behavior was so reprehensible, and it hit too close to home because he was a House member."

Ryan said that he worried that Underwood's actions would make viewers think all congressional representatives were "like that."

The only person that Spacey's character might be the tiny bit like is House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, who Spacey shadowed while preparing for the House of Cards role, according to People.

McCarthy says he told Spacey one day, "I told him I say to members, 'You vote your district, you vote your conscience, you just don't surprise me.' And he stole that line for the show."

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