Shortly before his death, comedian Robin Williams sent a terminally ill young woman an inspiring video.
The woman, 21-year-old Vivian Waller of New Zealand, is battling a cancer that has taken over her liver, intestines, and lungs. Waller made a bucket list of things to accomplish before her short life ended. On her list was to turn 21, see her daughter Sophie turn one, get married, travel to Rarotonga, and meet Robin Williams.
Waller is too weak to travel, so a family contacted WiIliams and he granted her wish by sending her this short and sweet video. Waller achieved everything on her bucket list except for traveling to Rarotonga.
"I'm sending all my love to you, Jack and Sophie . . . knock this off your bucket list," Williams told Waller in the video. Williams emailed the video a few months ago. Waller’s husband decided to share the video and story with the Sunday Star Times in order to show what an amazing man Williams was. reported on Williams’ suicide a week ago. The Oscar winning actor was battling severe depression.
Credit: Roger Wong/