Do you want to be inspired? This is a list of movies that will inspire you beyond words. The characters in these inspirational movies teach audiences about hardships, overcoming boundaries and being brave and fearless.

They also teach us the importance of hard work and never giving up. If you want to achieve a goal, set out a plan for it. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something. These movies teach us about the simple victories in life. Movies like Pay It Forward and Freedom Writers will make you want to help people in need through selfless acts. These are movies that will make you happy, get you fired up and create a yearning for wanting to do better and to do more.

These are also movies you can watch if you’re feeling depressed. You’ll have a smile on your face and it will leave you with a positive attitude about life. These movies made me feel grateful for the life I have, they taught me to work harder and make no excuses. I’m certain that they will leave you thinking about yourself in relation to society and how important it is to consider aspects of life that sometimes elude us.

With contributions from Marie Blake.

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