ABC's new reality series The Quest debuted to a tiny audience, while Big Brother and an encore of The Big Bang Theory easily topped Thursday night in ratings.

CBS claimed victory on the night with a 1.4 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 5.38 million viewers. The Big Bang repeat outperformed most programs on the night with a 1.6 rating, with Big Brother following with the top demo performance with a 2.1 rating, HitFix reports.

NBC followed in a distant second with a 0.9 rating and 3.16 million viewers thanks to largely low, but steady performances across the board. Last Comic Standing earned a 1.1 rating, while Welcome to Sweden and Working the Engels followed with a 0.7 and 0.6 rating, respectively.

Right on NBC's tail was ABC, which averaged a 0.8 rating in the advertiser-important 18-49 demo and 4.26 million viewers. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Rookie Blue and NY Med were both steady with a 0.9 rating each. The Quest debuted to a miserably small audience of 2.8 million viewers and just a 0.7 rating.

Unlike scripted shows that will receive a small boost from DVR numbers, there's little hope the adjusted numbers for the reality competition will improve much.

Fox came in last with a 0.6 rating in the demo and 2.02 million viewers. The network only had a new episode of Gang Related, which managed to be consistent with a 0.7 rating.

image courtesy of Michael Yarish/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc