The PR company who spurred the marketing campaign for Fox’s Sleepy Hollow is apologizing for declaring Tuesday, Sept. 2 “National Beheading Day” in light of the horrific ISIS beheadings of two U.S. journalists.

The campaign was meant to raise attention for the show’s Season 1 DVD release, and urged the media to use the hashtag #HeadlessDay.

Unfortunately, it came just hours after the second American journalist, Steve Sotloff, was beheaded by the Islamic extremist group and two weeks after James Foley’s death.

“We apologize for the unfortunate timing of our Sleepy Hollow Headless Day announcement," Think Jam said in a statement,Fox News reports.

"The tragic news of Steven Sotloff's death hit the web as the email was being sent. Our deepest sympathies are with him and his family, and we don't take the news lightly. Had we known this information prior, we would have never released the alert and realize it's in poor taste."

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment also apologized for the campaign, Deadline reports, saying they “regret the unfortunate timing."

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