Sami began to thaw towards EJ. Abigail turned the tables on Sami. Theresa caught JJ and Paige in a compromising position. Kristen found her way into John's hospital room. Clyde made his feelings known to Kate. Jordan and Rafe were civil to each other. Things between Ben and Abigail were made worse because of EJ. Will and Sonny continued to fight about the TruVista article.

Kristen found Brady at the park where she revealed she was let out on bail. She wanted to make things right between the two of them, but Brady unloaded on her all the pain and suffering in his life because of her. She noted his anguish because of John, which ultimately gave her an idea. She later found herself hovering over John in his hospital room.

Marlena and Roman frantically searched for Brady to warn him that his ex-fiance was free. Nicole bumped into Eric and told him she would not cover the Sami/EJ/Abigail DiMera takeover story, even though Miles, her boss was demanding it. Eric was not fazed at all and left when his mother called him about Kristen. Nicole stalked him to the Kiriakis mansion where he continued to lash out at her. He warned her to stay away from him. "You don't know what you wanted," teased Nicole as they were inches apart from each other.

Sami begged EJ for help after the members of the board rather talk to him than her. He stated she made a stupid decision to out Abigail as the other woman because now the company was suffering. After everything she did to him, he told her to go to hell before storming out.

Abigail showed up at Sonny and Will's to angrily confront her cousin about the article. She compared his writing to getting paid for being a w****. Sonny was at the club defending his husband's actions to Lucas and Abigail. He told her he felt responsible because he went to Uncle Victor to help Will get the job. He also revealed it was Sami, who added her name to the article.

Lucas called TruVista magazine to get answers when it was revealed to him that Victor owned the magazine. He told Will, who became angry at his husband for treating him like a child.

EJ and Lucas ran into each other at the pub, where Lucas gleefully told him that Victor owned the magazine running the expose on him and Sami. "Kiriakis got you good this time, DiMera," Lucas said, before parting with a shocked EJ.

Abigail arrived at the DiMera mansion and slapped Sami for giving her name to the editor. Sami shoved her against the door frame and put her in a choke hold. She quipped she was still the same pacifist girl she was before having an affair with EJ. The tables are turned when Abigail stated Shin was in contact with her about the article. She could easily call him back and tell him Sami had been lying to him about her and EJ. She and Sami declared a cease fire - she would not talk to Shin, if Sami backed off her revenge.

Later, Abigail surprised Ben at the club with a goodnight kiss. EJ returned home to Sami packing a care package for their kids at camp. She assumed he wanted her to go to bed with him in exchange for helping her out with the board. EJ simply stated he wanted another chance to have her heart, and she agreed to have lunch with him the next day.

Before, EJ confronted Victor at the club for his ownership of TruVista magazine. After barbs were traded, Ben threw EJ out, stating he was bad for business.

Will unleashed his anger on Sonny for having Victor pull strings to line up a writing job for him. Sonny called him out on enjoying bringing down Sami and EJ, which was kind of true from how he gathered his sources. Will stormed out and spoke with his grandmother Marlena on what to do. Victor dropped by the apartment where Sonny warned him Will knew the truth.

Before Kristen could do any harm to John, Daniel yanked her out of his hospital room. She wanted a chance to speak after he discovered she was free on bail. She took the opportunity to thank him for bringing her back to Salem. He vowed to do whatever he could to bring her down for everything she did.

After his meeting with Kristen, Brady was tempted to take a drink but stopped himself. He offered his support to Maggie after he found out about the Abigail article. Brady rushed to his father's side after he discovered Kristen paid him a visit. While he and Daniel tried to figure out her next move, Kristen was on the phone to someone about John's medical records.

On the Horton side of town, JJ paid a visit to Hope at the police station, pondering gift advice for Aiden. He found it strange she couldn't help him, since the two of them spent so much time together organizing the summer gala. Later, Hope and Aiden argued over a small police matter, where they finally confronted why they always were screaming at each other. Hope went for a run to blow off some steam, but got a cramp in the process. Aiden found her and after some hesitation, offered to help her.

Paige recruited JJ to help her move some of her things that she would have been taking to college. He happened across something her father gave her, which lead to an emotional moment between the two. They bonded over their fathers and began to make out before Theresa interrupted them. JJ left before he could cause anymore trouble. Theresa tried to bond with her niece again by offering some unneeded advice about boys. Eve and Jennifer got into it at the hospital when Eve barged into her office, demanding her first check from their settlement. She stormed the Horton house where JJ waited, wanting to know what Theresa told her.

Theresa was found earlier bad-mouthing Abigail at the hospital, but Jennifer put her in her place, regarding her past mistakes.

Clyde approached Rafe and Kate at the square where they looked deep in conversation. He pretended to not know Kate in front of Rafe. He urged Rafe not to give up on his daughter. Clyde later made it known he was interested in Kate, both professionally and personally.

Jordan offered to help Abigail with her job search, even though it meant she would have to talk to Rafe. She ran into him, and he was more than happy to offer his assistance. Abigail helped Ben clean out the storage closet at the club, and they wound up trapped inside. The couple made the most of their time alone together by having an intimate dinner of tuna and crackers. They began to make out, which triggered Abigail's memory at making out with EJ in the hospital storage closet. She tensed up as a result.

EJ kept his promise to Sami by reassuring the members of the board that all was right with their relationship. She decided to make their lunch date public at the Brady Pub. The two were having lovely time before Roman burst in, hoping they were negotiating a divorce. Sami told her father to back off, and he left. While laughing over videos of their children, Sami got a text that startled her.

Aiden continued to help Hope with her cramp by massaging her leg. He finally admitted his feelings for her, but added that he knew she was happily married. He wasn't looking for a relationship with anyone. Hope was surprised and relieved at his revelation. Aiden confided his marriage wasn't a good one, and he regretted his actions since his wife died. He wasn't the best husband.

Paige became aggravated at Theresa's assumptions about JJ. Eve encountered JJ, who believed she knew about his rendezvous with Paige in her storage locker. The two bonded over their love of music again, even performing a duet. Theresa shattered any chance of the two getting along when she revealed to her sister that they were going at it while moving her stuff. Eve's mind was made up: she had to get JJ away from her daughter.

Abigail shut herself down with Ben after she was reminded of her affair with EJ. Ben became concerned that he did something wrong, but T rescued them before they could discuss it further. Abigail was quick to escape, making Ben even more worried. She ran into Jordan, and while talking with her, realized she had to make things right with Ben. She found him at the club, and she was ready to explain before EJ arrived. Ben knew exactly what happened and stormed off before she could clarify things.

Sami received a disturbing text about Stefano and left her lunch with EJ to find Kate. Meanwhile, Kate was at the club, talking to a peaceful Julie about her yoga cruise. She found a copy of the Abigail article where she learned about the affair. She found EJ at the pub and offered her support to all parties involved, since she wasn't a saint in her younger life.

Sami and Kate touched base at the mansion where it was discovered Stefano cut a deal with the authorities. He would soon be on his way back to Salem, but they wanted confirmation from Rafe. He learned the DiMera pulled some strings; he was scheduled for a hearing the very next day.

Will and Sonny finally had it out about the article. He told Sonny he always felt inadequate in life, compared to him. He thought he got the magazine job based on his own merit, but that was a lie. Sonny tried convincing him he got the job because he was a good writer, but he didn't believe it. The rift between the two stayed the same with Will confiding in T about the article.

Rafe told Jordan he talked to his friend about Abigail, but the job she applied for was already filled. Clyde watched the encounter from a distance and realized Jordan was softening toward the detective. He found her in the park where he managed to rattle her cage about Rafe introducing him to Kate. He realized the two women knew each other.

Victor informed Maggie he owned the magazine that was trashing Abigail. He also explained the EJ and Sami story was his idea. He didn't know they would use Abigail's name in the story. Sonny arrived and the two men tried to take the blame for what happened. Maggie was upset with her husband, but they found a way to get past it. "You're lucky you're so cute," she stated, before embracing him.